Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dinner, Cha-Cha and Cute Boys

A few weeks ago, the Elders in my ward had a "White Glove" dinner for all of us sisters. We were spoiled that night. They wore their tuxes or nice suits, escorted us to our seats, made and served our dinner. We were entertained by former BYU Ballroom Dancers and later were taught the Cha-Cha. It was a great night of socializing, laughing and dancing with the finest of men. I had a blast and my admiration for these elders in my ward continues to increase.

3 of my Peeps!:

Elise said...

What a fun idea! Hope you had a Book of Mormon length between you when you danced with all those boys (wink wink)

Anonymous said...


marebear said...

cute pic of you and josh! love it!!! glad you had a night of honor compared to your recent date... yucky "B"