Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It was exactly ten years ago today
that my life changed forever...

As I was being wheeled into the O.R. of the University of Utah Hospital,
feelings of fear arose. The 4 months prior, I was never this scared...but in that small moment,

I was terrified.

I was terrified that the procedure wouldn't be successful or that I may never wake up. Which was so silly because in no way was it a life threatening situation.


It's summer.

July to be exact.

I had a fever.

Who gets fevers in the summer?

Well this fever, named Seaver, decided to take hold of the little hearing that I had. I woke up one morning and noticed that my hearing was a little off. After many tweaks of the hearing aid in hopes of figuring out the problem...it wasn't working. Later a hearing test made it known that I could hear no sound.

Pure. Devastation.

As I woke from my deep slumber of anesthesia, relief was felt. The procedure was successful and I was sent home to recover. But my journey doesn't end here.

Today, I am still living this trial. Many tears have been shed but much laughter has escaped my lips. Receiving a Cochlear Implant is a miraculous blessing. Over time I have come to learn so much about me, who my true friends are, and more about the Savior's love.

A friend of mine recently asked me if I feel like I don't date much because of my disability. I answered him..."No, when I was younger I thought so but many have taught me that my disability is my 'ability'."

I have the ability...

to share my testimony that even though trials are hard and may never end, we are stronger sons and daughters of God for enduring.

I have the ability...

to show compassion towards others and their situations because I "understand". I understand the hurt, the anger and the confusion. I only hope that they learn that the Savior's compassion is what will guide them.

And last,

I have the ability...

to show that life is not any different from a disabled person and a normal person. It's all about your attitude at the way you look at life. You can choose to complain that you can't hear your friends while swimming or you can jump off that diving board and sink the best cannonball ever!

Thank you...Seaver, the Fever.

15 of my Peeps!:

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing person Sigrid! Thank you for your willingness to share your beautiful and deep testimony again and again. I'm blessed to know you! Thanks for being such a beautiful and optimistic friend! Love you!

Amy said...

Your optimism and faith are contagious Sigrid. I'm so lucky to know you, and I'm glad your life is so blessed. You're awesome :)

Katie and Christian said...

Love you Sigrid! Thanks for being such an incredible example! You're amazing!

Michelle said...

Sigrid you are amazing! I'm glad that I got to know you through Chanel because you are a wonderful example to me!

Ang said...

I've always been a bit jealous of your hearing impairment... because you could tune us or anyone out whenever you wanted! And you can sleep sound every single night, regardless of the noise around you. :) We always knew that at sleepovers Sig was gone as soon as that aid came out! I love you so much Friend. You are beautiful and unique and everyone that doesn't know you is missing out. There is and never will be another YOU.

Elise said...

You're the cutest Sig. I was actually just reading about your little friend "Seaver" the other day in my journal. I can't believe that was 10 years ago! I wrote about being scared for you, but I am so glad you pulled through. Thanks for being a great example of the power of positive attitude. You never let anything hold you back. I love you girl! Hope you had a blast at Thriller!

Megan said...

I love this post... except for the part where it made me tear-up at work. What a tough thing to deal with. Your positive attitude is contagious.

Kris said...

Wow!!!! wow!!!! wow!!!! Thank you so much for that insight as one who knows EXACTLY what you are going through. I have those fears, thoughts, etc all the time. But you are so right about the ABILITY. we have so many advantages given to us! Thanks again for sharing that!

PS another "sigrid sighting" happened at Dick's yesterday! :)

Erin said...

You are amazing! Thank you for sharing your story an testimony. Still think you need to come down and see us. Love you!

The Peay Family said...

Sig...You Rock! Thanks for sharing your very personal story. You make us want to be a better people. You are so kind and thoughtful and a wonderful representative of our Savior...Jesus Christ. Your light shines bright for all to see! Thank you:)

Becky Andrews said...

Wow - 10 years. I remember that time. Thanks for sharing this inspiring post. I want to run into you at Dicks ... maybe one of these days - I walk up there often from my work!

The Watty's said...

7:15 a.m. and I have welled up with tears. You have many gifts and talents Sig...one is writing and sharing your inner most thoughts and feelings. Love you Princess.

Saysha said...

I don't know if you remember me..but I came across your blog from the Viewmont blog. Just wanted to say that you are amazing and your attitude is inspiring! Thanks for the wonderful words..I needed that tonight. Love the Halloween costume by the way...

Brandon said...

Man, I need to check in with your blog more often. Great post. I miss getting to chat with you. You're a good, strong and funny (according to your facebook profile) person.

Lynsey said...

You really are amazing girl! Thank you so much for your willingness to share your experiences and your thoughts. You are a hero!