Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Must Read....

In my profession, I am finding that a lot of men think I am a foreigner. Hence the latest story...

A few weeks ago at work, another stylist had a male client in her chair. I was cleaning and talking to them at the same time. Here is the conversation:

Male, early 50's, balding so we will call him, "Mr. Bald".

Mr. Bald: Where are you from?

Me: You talking to me?

Mr. Bald: Yeah. Where are you from? You have the coolest accent ever.

Me: I was born and raised in Utah.

Mr. Bald: What?! How is that? Your accent...

Me: I am hearing impaired and so, that is why I have a cool accent.

Mr. Bald: Oh my gosh, you need to play it like you really are from somewhere. I honestly thought you were from either Northern Scotland or Darwin, Australia.

Me: Ha ha ha ha!

No lie...45 minutes later, I have a client in my chair. Here is our conversation...

Male, mid-twenties, Hispanic, so let's call him, Jose!

Jose: Where are you from? You have the coolest accent.

Me: (trying not to laugh) Northern Scotland.

Jose: I knew it!!!

Me: Ha ha ha ha. No, I was born and raised here.

Jose: What?! I really thought you were from Scotland!

Me: Yes, really. I am hearing impaired and that is my deaf accent!

So, apparently I have the "coolest accent"! I am amazed at how many men have asked me over the years and truthfully, the big kick is seeing their eyes get really big when told that I am hearing impaired. Never fails.

9 of my Peeps!:

The Laundry Queen said...

So, wait.... you're *not* from Northern Scotland?!? I have *soooo* been lying to people....

Elise said...

No way...I guess I have known you for so long that I have never thought about you having an "accent", let alone a Scottish one! Good stuff!

Britney said...

haha that's cool. I thought you were from another country when I first met you. Especially since you have a foreign sounding name.

Michelle said...

haha That's awesome! You should totally play along and pretend you are from somewhere new every day! Your story gave me a good laugh for the day!

Megan said...

That is too funny! I needed that laugh at work... thank you :) And for the record, you are adorable!

Ang said...

Ha ha ha he he he! I'm still laughing! Love it!

elisabeth said...

Hahahaha! This story reminded me of hair school...
I love you.

Kris said...

I KNOW EXACTLY what you are talking about. I get it a lot too! Mine is usually "Are you from Europe?" I just roll with it. If I tell people I am hearing impaired....they do that stupid REAL slow or REAL loud or try to "sign" to you....some days it's hard to keep a straight face!

Mister said...

Great story.